There are many relative pronouns in French but let's focus on the main ones QUI and QUE! We use them to avoid repetition or to build complexe sentences (you can connect two phrases together to have a single one).
How do you pick the correct one?
It has nothing to do with what people do in English. Here is my easy method, I promise you will like it! When there is a verb after the pronoun, you will use QUI e.g. "c'est l'homme (QUI/QUE) a acheté ma voiture" becomes "c'est l'homme qui a acheté ma voiture" and when there is a different subject, you use QUE e.g. "c'est l'homme (QUI/QUE) je connais" becomes "c'est l'homme que je connais". "Je" and the "man" are two different subjects!
Watch the video to have more details and take the test to see if it's ok. Bonne chance !
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